Apparent mineralocorticoid excess,
APC, 612
APC resistance assay, 867
Apoenzyme, 85
Apo В100, 607
Apo B48, 607
ß 2,
Apolipoprotein B, 607
Apolipoprotein C-II, 218
Apolipoprotein E, 62
Apolipoproteins, 429
Apoproteins, 429
Apoptosis, 64, 250, 609, 808, 811
regulation of Cell Death, 609
Appendicitis, 149
APUD cells, 769
Aquaporins, 2
Arachidonic acid, 386, 388
metabolites of, 391
synthesis from linoleic acid, 385
Arctic and antarctic fish
antifreeze glycoprotein, 155
Arg or Lys residue, 850
Argentaffin cells, 362
Arginine, 24, 214, 331, 332, 345, 508, 702
formation of, 342
glycine, 508
methionine, 508
Arginine supplementation, 332
Argininosuccinate, 342
Argyria, 894
Aromatase (CYP 19), 704
Aromatase deficiency, 795
Aromatic 1-amino acid decarboxylase, 761
Arrhenius activation energy (£,.), 76
Arrhenius equation, 76
Arrhenius pre-exponential factor, 76
Arsenate, 230
Arsenic, 892
Arsenite, 240
Artery, 444
osteoarthritus, 179
rheumatoid, 179
Ascorbate (vitamin C), 587
Ascorbic acid, 296, 673, 925
Asialoglycoproteins, 187
Asparagine, 25, 240
transport, 216
Aspartame (L-aspartyl-L-phenylalanine
methyl ester), 146
Aspartate, 240, 340, 508
glutamine, 508
transport, 216
Aspartate aminotransferase (AST), 96,
123, 125
Aspartate transcarbamoylase (ATCase),
113, 638
Aspartic acid, 23, 156, 215
Aspartic aminotransferase (AST), 128
Aspartylglycosaminidase, 169
Aspartylglycosaminuria, 169
se e
acetyl salicylate
Assay of heparin, 870
Assembly of procollagen polypeptides, 588
Ataxia telangiectasia, 559
ATH, 714
Atherosclerosis, 438, 444, 514
and fiber, 149
ATP (adenosine triphosphate), 73, 107
free energy of hydrolysis of, 73
hexokinase and hexoses,
8 6
structural formula of, 74
ATP synthase, 248, 251,257
ATP-ADP translocase, 248
ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters,
ATP-sensitive K+-channel, 493
ATP/ADP ratio, 280
ATP/ADP translocator, 264
H+,K+-ATPase, 204, 205
Na+,K+-ATPase, 211,212
model for transport, 213
schematic representation,
2 1 2
ATPase fold, 458
Atractyloside, 264
Atractyloside binds, 265
Atrial, 702
Atrial natriuretic factor (ANF), 752
Atrial natriuretic hormone, 714
Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP),
756, 930
Atrophic gastritis, 204
Atropine, 197, 205
Attachment of amino acid to tRNA
Molecule, 574
Attenuation, 597
Attenuator, 596
Atypical retinitis pigmentosa, 270
Aurovertin, 258, 259
Autoimmune disease, 952
Autoimmune disorders
celiac disease, 218
lupus, 219
rheumatoid arthritis, 219
Autoimmune hepatitis, 128
Autonomic nervous system, 202
Autophosphorylation, 721
Autoregulation, 600
Avidin, 924
5-Azacytidine, 641
Azaserine, 626
Azathioprine, 627
Azathymidine, 641
-Azauridine, 641
Azide, 256
B, 828
B-cell clonal selection and proliferation,
B-cell lymphomas, 611,811
B-cell lymphoma, carcinomas, 611
B-cell receptors, 808
B-cells (B lymphocytes), 808
B type-ANP, 931
Bacitracin, 26, 316
Bacterial cell walls, 188
Bacterial infections, 193
Bacterial peptides, 271
Ball, 531
BamHI, 531
Bantu siderosis, 682
Baroreceptors, 753
Barr body, 605
Barrett’s esophagus, 208
bodies, 481
Basal metabolic rate (BMR), 78
pathology of, 78
women vs. men, 78
Basal metabolism, 78
deletion, 559
insertion, 559
substitution, 559
Base composition, 522, 523
Base pair deletion, 221
Base substitution mutations, 268
Basic amino acids, 23, 215
Basolateral cell membrane, 220
Basophils, 808
Bassen-Kornzweig syndrome, 442
Bayliss and Starling, 202
Bcl-2, 611
Bcr-abl, 611,
8 8 6
BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase,
8 8 6
B-DNA, 526
Becker’s disease, 476
Becker’s generalized myotonia, 478
Becker’s muscular dystrophy (BMD),
Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome
(BWS), 524
Bedouin arabs, 670
Bence Jones proteinuria, 953
Benign familial recurrent cholestasis, 695
Benign prostatic hyperplasia, 787
Benzimidazole, 205
N-benzoyl-L-tyrosine, 215
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